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제목국제청년미디어기자단(IYMP), 2020 APEC 제16차 미래교육포럼 참여2020-12-09 17:02
작성자 Level 5


지난 11월 26일과 27일 양일간 서울 더 케이 호텔 및 온라인 생방송으로 교육부가 주최하고 에이펙(APEC) 국제교육협력원이 주관하고, 한국, 미국, 중국, 러시아 등 약 17개국 및 UNESCO 교육정보기술연구소, UNESCO 아태지역본부 사무소 등 5개 국제기구, 총 150여 명의 참가로 「제16차 에이펙(APEC) 미래교육포럼」이 개최되었다.

이에 국제청년미디어기자단(국제기자단) 총 16명의 연구원 및 학생기자들은 양일간의 포럼에 참여하여 '코로나19 팬데믹 시대 교육 르네상스 구축'을 주제로 하버드대학교 글로벌 교육 혁신 이니셔티브 페르난도 뤼이머스 교수의 기조강연을 시작으로 인도네시아 Irsyad Zamjani 교육 문화부 과장 등 코로나19에 대응하는 각 나라별 혁신적인 교육 정책과 현장 사례들을 들을 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되었다.

또한, 제18차 국제 알콥 콘퍼런스를 통하여 팬데믹 시대로 위축될 수 있는 우리 교육 현장이 회원국 학교 간 다양한 온·오프라인 국제협력 활동 및 교류활동을 통하여 국제화 역량을 강화하고 창의적인 국제 교육협력 모형을 구축하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

인도네시아 Irsyad Zamjani 교육 문화부 과장님께서 교육의 미래라고 언급하신 Blended learning이 앞으로 교육현장에서 어떻게 더 발전될지 기대가 되었다.

국제기자단 고서윤 기자


이번 포럼을 통해 많은 교육 전문가들께서 세계 교육 시스템을 발전시켜 나가고 있다는 것을 느꼈고, 다양한 시각들을 체험해 보게 되어 영광이었다.

국제기자단 김아영 기자


우리 국제기자단 학생기자들은 이번 포럼을 통하여 글로벌 팬데믹 속에서도 온라인 교육을 통하여 교육의 효율성과 효과성을 증진시키려는 각국의 교육자, 관계자들의 노력을 생생하게 느낄 수 있었고, 앞으로 디지털 기술을 활용한 다양한 온라인 교육들이 어떻게 현장에 펼쳐질지에 대한 기대감을 나타내었다.

마지막으로 국제기자단 학생기자들은 제16차 APEC 미래교육포럼에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 준 국제기자단측과 APEC 국제교육협력원에 감사의 마음을 전하기도 했다.


26-27 November 2020

Seoul, Republic of Korea

(held virtually)

Host: Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea

Organizer: Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE)

Event held under APEC project: The 16th APEC Future Education Forum (AFEF)

Prepared by the Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE)


The 16th APEC Future Education Forum (AFEF)

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech

▪ Session 1.

“Education Paradigm Shift and Innovation in the Post COVID-19 Era”

▪ Session 2.

“Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Online Education”

▪ Session 3.

“Advancing Educational Equity using Online Education and Digital Technology”

Thematic Presentation & Panel Discussion

The 16th AFEF and the 18th International ALCoB Conference will be held on 25 to 27 November. The main theme of the AFEF 2020 is “APEC’s Innovative Educational Responses to Global Pandemic and Challenges”.

The AFEF and related events are composed of keynote speech, thematic sessions, APEC Future Education Consortium (AFEC) Steering Committee Meeting and teachers’ conference. Under the main theme, distinguished speakers and participants will share exemplary policies, theories and practices APEC economies are taking to ensure continuity of education in the midst of unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.

The AFEF and related events will be held on-line, inviting education stakeholders in the APEC member economies. This project will contribute to strengthening regional education cooperation and exchange in the Asia-Pacific region and identify ways to ensure education continuity in the COVID-19 time.

The 16th APEC Future Education Forum (AFEF) and the 18th International APEC Learning Community Builders’ (ALCoB) Conference have one main theme, keynote speech and three sub-themes: 


As published by the APEC Secretariat Policy Support Unit (PSU), the COVID-19 pandemic brought an unprecedented global health and economic crisis. Healthcare systems and services are inadequate to accommodate COVID-19 coronavirus patients and show troubling gaps. In 2020, APEC experienced an economic fallout, which is estimated as USD 2.1 million output loss and 23 million workers unemployment.

Education sector is no exception from the challenges from the COVID-19 crisis. The UNESCO estimates over 72% of the world’s student population is affected by school closures. Over 95% of APEC member economies have delayed school opening and/or ordered school closures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In this regard, 21 APEC economies implement policies and practices to mitigate impact of COVID-19 in education sector and support continuity of learning via alternative means of education such as blended and/or online education.

Under this circumstance, the 16th AFEF and related events will focus on the effects of COVID-19 to APEC member economies’ education sector. The AFEF would be a useful opportunity for APEC member economies to discuss about the educational responses to the COVID-19 and their contribution to the educational paradigm shift and innovation in APEC.

By addressing COVID-19 impact in education sector, which is a current and common education agenda, the AFEF and related events will:

find ways to facilitate APEC member economies education paradigm shift and innovation in post COVID-19 era

enhance efficiency and effectiveness of online education; and

advance educational equity for learners from grandparents-grandkids families, dual-income families, multi-cultural families, persons with disabilities by assisting their studies with online education and digital technologies.

In May 2020, the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) announced a statement on COVID-19. They emphasized the COVID-19 closure is the top priority of every economy, which requires both domestic emergency measures and international cooperation among APEC as well as our partners and counterparts.

The MRT directed the “Senior Officials to develop a coordinated approach to collecting and sharing information on policies and measures” that “This sharing of information seeks to ensure that the strength and learning of one economy may translate into best practices for the region as a whole”.

In this regard, the 16th AFEF and related events will share exemplary education policies, pedagogy, software and public-private partnership cooperation to overcome challenges brought by COVID-19 in school settings and learning environments.

The speakers’ and participants’ discussion would contribute to recover and revitalize “a healthy, resilient and inclusive Asia-Pacific community” and build a secure and innovative future education system.







사진 설명을 입력하세요.

ㅇ 제16차 APEC 미래교육포럼(11.26.) 유튜브:

ㅇ 제18차 국제알콥컨퍼런스(11.27.) 유튜브(오전 파트):

ㅇ 제18차 국제알콥컨퍼런스(11.27.) 유튜브(오후 파트):

ㅇ 제16차 APEC미래교육포럼(11.26.) 사진, 동영상:




"본 원고는 국제청년미디어기자단의 의견으로,

교육부/APEC국제교육협력원의 공식 견해가 아님을 밝힙니다."

"This news article is written by the International Youth Media Press (IYMP) and does not represent the official statement of the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea, or the Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE)."

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